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Final-Fan said:
@ Kasz216: I stand corrected. Wow. I knew the extremists were pushing the Republicans right, but the best Limbaugh can say is that he "hates McCain less"? And that's only AFTER he picked Palin -- in the primaries, he said McCain would be as bad as Hillary Clinton, which for a right-wing pundit is saying something.

I guess putting Palin on the ticket wasn't such a bad move after all for McCain. But for me, the fact that he couldn't get his base to stop hating him without her only underscores my conviction that the hardcore right wing is bad for the Republican Party and bad for America.

P.S. I still take issue with "liberal media", but I don't particularly feel like arguing the point. But I trust you're not calling them liberal simply by comparison with

I agree.  though I also think the hardcore left wing people are bad for the democratic party and America as well.

By liberal media I just mean general news media leaning left wing.  Fox news is the TV equivlent of Air America Radio.