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Final-Fan said:
Kasz216 said:
Final-Fan said:
^ More 527s =/= more despicable campaign. Plus, on the general topic of "left/right character assassination", you have to count talk radio.
Which is why i'd consider it "fair" since there are more conservatives on radio, and more liberals on TV.

Though all and all actually counting 527s and crap as part of "character assassnation" plans of the actual politicians is BS if you ask me since they don't actually have anything to do with the campaigns.

I mean if somebody kills my boss so i can get a promotion, if i don't know the person or had nothing to do with it.  I don't get charged for a crime/blamed for anything.

Where "Swiftboating" came from seemed like a refrence to 527s in general.  Or atleast negative ones.  Which had been around a LONG time.  Just that one vs Kerry was the most successful.  Partially because of the Media being way too "ratings grabbing".

Those adds wouldn't of been shit if the media didn't do big storys like "Is it true!  We haven't done any research yet but hey lets throw it out there!"

So talk radio and liberal TV even out, but the media was most of the reason the Swift boat ads even worked?  I'd argue your presumption that TV is liberal, but I don't have to:  we're talking about net EFFECT, right?  How often does talk radio spread baseless dirty rumors about Republicans?  I don't listen to Limbaugh, but I'm pretty sure he never has.  Unless maybe the Republican in question is Jim Jeffords or something. 

He spread a lot of dirty pointless rumors about McCain just recently.