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This is the most overrated print magazine of the video gaming world.

Not really a horrible magazine, I've read some issues - but these guys are so full of themselves, it's not even funny. It seems the most important thing for these guys is keeping people to think a good Edge score "ennobles" a game. These guys are so wrong on so many occasions - not the scores, I don't care for their scores, but e.g. the title story of a few years ago about how LucasArts will change to better... this just made me laugh (though granted, the issue had a great cover).

By the way: The review threads on VGChartz are fluctuating between "Meh, who cares about scores, review system is broken anyway" and "Game abc got sensational score of 9.x (or 10) from site/magzine xyz." We're currently in the latter phase due to upcoming holiday season, it seems.