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FishyJoe said:
tokilamockingbrd said:
The main problem over there is not the economy... although it is part of it.

I have friends from Japan and basically from what they described is there is no traditional mainstream there. people who play games were described as kids or nerds. gaming is not cool anymore. Back in the 90s it was the thing to do, it was cool... Gaming has been in decline since about 2002-03 from what they say.


Then how do you explain the DS?

Does anything about the DS scream core gaming machine? The DS is very popular with kids over there, the DS owns the casual market, the Wii is tapping into that a bit. The PSP imo is where alot of the core gaming audience has migrated. The problem is, that that core audience is itty bitty now.

Now if you are asking why DS sales have flattened, I will say market saturation.


psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.