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I've got a big problem i went to a shop determined to fulfil my plan of Buying the PSP 3000 today, i've planned this purchase for more then a month now and convinced that's what i'm going to do (i even got few games from my cousin for the system, hell i even started a topic on this forum), but something stopped me it was the DS (maybe also being a nintendo fan for most of my life), dont know why and from where i've started to question my choice of a handheld.

I've never planned to get DS (my sister had one but i havent been interested in handhelds since Gameboy, but now i need a handheld to get my gaming fix in Uni).

Since then did research of DS games that i potentially would get (RPG's mostly) and this list is much larger then the PSP one (but that one is also decent filled with different genres ), but this evens out with PSP's media capabilities that i could find useful.

I know this might look preety pathetic, but i said to myself that i'm going to buy one of those products on Monday. They both very cool and i know both handhelds will entertain me but i can buy only 1 of them.

The question is which one, and this is where the debate should start, which Should i get to end my misery?