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TheRealMafoo said:

I was thinking about last nights debate a little, and it saddened me a great deal.

A little history about the US for those in other countries, and those living here that need a refresher.

America is supposed to be the land of the free...

What kind of freedoms?  Economic freedoms or social freedoms?  John McCain and the Republicans want economic freedom, so they can be free to make as much money off of you as possible, but hate the idea of freedom of choice, freedom to choose who you marry, and so forth.  Democrats want more social freedoms but more economic control, so for any given person its a tradeoff between what you want to be free and what you want to be controlled.

A little history about distribution of wealth, America is much more divided than we ever have been.  The wealth gap continues to grow as our economy faulters, which makes me think that they forgot the basic fundamentals of economics, no one is going to make a good if no one will or can afford to buy it.  Having most of our wealth in the hands means less buying power for the general population and less reason for those with money to make jobs.

A little more history, read up on the Great Society, the New Deal, or Norman Thomas (the candidate for the Socialist Party of America who got over a million votes in the presidential election and founder of the ACLU).