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For a blog whose moniker claims "no bias" this article I found to be extremely skewed to portray the PS3 in a positive light.

I have no expectation (nor do I hope) that the PS3 is dying, or going to disappear or any such non-sense. But to believe that they are where they want to be is absolutely ridiculous. Sony wants the PS3 to be where the Wii is, period.

The biggest loss, IMO, that Sony suffered this generation is the fact that they are no longer the dominant platform. Specifically, in past generations if you wanted to reach the mass market, you had to work with Sony and fit in development for the xbox and gc only if you had the time/resources. This is no longer true. Because of this, the PS2 did NOT have to pay for exclusivity as it offered access to the largest portion of potential buyers, another fact that is no longer true.

Given the high cost of the PS3 and the trojan horse Blu-Ray model, I expect that Sony has achieved at least part of their goals for this generation (Blu-Ray standard) but doubt they will ever achieve them all (complete market dominance as in past generations).