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LBP s all about the multiplayer. thats why i love it. single player is ok.

Multiplayer aspect, creating levels, playing with friends, having a laugh, playing online meeting other sackboys and girls, trying to beat an impossible stage which requires teemwork.

The reason why i will complete the single player is because you collect items/stickers/materials/mechanics through those levels and have more tools to create your level.

Did you try to create your own levels? Maybe try playing multiplayer even if it is laggy you may like it.

But i agree that the controls can be a little tedius at times, but hopefully they will fix that.

Besides you played the beta which was made to test the multiplayer aspect of the game, which you said yourself you didnt really try out fully so that is where you miss the point of the beta.

Owner of PS3, Wii, Xbox360, NDS, PSP - Feel Free to add me on PSN or XBL :)