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Anyone who knows Rolstoppables knows he's a big fan of the big N, but is possible for him to have too much Nintendo? Anyone who's played Super Smash Bros. knows it's a crossover fighter with various Nintendo characters. With this said, I've come to two well-thought out reasons why Rol doesn't like Super Smash Bros. One being that, the gameplay mechanic forces you(with the exception of Brawl) to fight a Nintendo character using another Nintendo character. Deep down Rol can't find himself beating the living hell out of.. what have you with someone else he holds dear. Two, he hates Super Smash Bros. because it's just TOO MUCH Nintendo. It's enough that if you think about it.. your head will likely explode.

It makes perfect sense.

EDIT: In short, Super Smash Bros. is raping Rol's childhood.

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