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Wow, so many interesting points. It could be real easy to go into a long post, I'll spare you all though. A few thoughts -

1-America was based on equality. If one man, regardless of race or economic status, is taxed any differently than another, then the equality is lost and the American way has died.

2-No one, and I mean NO ONE, is guaranteed the right to live. Survival is dependent on how you proceed in the world. Unless someone wants to help you out of their own good nature, NO ONE is required to. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can succeed.

3-The end product of a worker's work is set at a value by society. By going and paying $100 for a ticket to a baseball game, you are agreeing to that value. When society shuns a product for being to expensive, the price will lower. Simple supply/demand economics. If you don't like these people making so much money, stop supporting them.

4-Citizens of the US already give to support many programs via their current taxes. Asking for more beyond that is selfish. Yet, their are still many charities and grants, etc.

5-The stereotype mentioned before, the Chris Rock reference, worked well 20 years ago. There are grants based specifically on minority / race status. Many grants are available for government funding for starting your own business if you are female or of African-American descent. None exist on the premise of being a white male. The issue is that many people looking for tuition money or grants don't research well enough or don't know where to look. (I just directed a friend of mine to getting college money because he didn't think he qualified for financial aid, without him having done research)