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Of course is a breach in the exclusivity contract,it`s a system seller and a AAA game. Sony paid for timed exclusivity just like MS did with many games,i don`t see nothing wrong with that. It`s a 3`rd party game,not 1 or 2. Konamy owns the IP,not Sony. I think is a 1 year timed exclusive,wich is good for Sony because they get Cristmass sales too.

And why don`t people want to share a AAA game with others? Why so much hate,when in 2009 not many people will care if MGS4 comes to 360,but people will buy it anyway? I don`t understand. And don`t say you want Halo,Gears,Mass Effect,Fable or other IP`s owned by MS,it`s not going to happen. MGS4 did it`s job,what more do you want?