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1: Listening to what your most vocal customers want is a bad idea: They're not representative of the larger market, and want things that are really niche.
2: Novelty beats Price beats Quality.
3: No matter how hard you try, the hardcore will still hate you (Hardcore hates Wii for lack of support, 360 for RROD, PS3 for price)
4: Brand/Franchise don't mean anything in the long run. The best selling games this gen are all selling well because they use the word "Wii", which was openly mocked by basically everyone less than 2 years ago.
5: Anything anyone says about a game that is coming out more than 3 months away is a lie.
6: Hardware bundles/accessories actually work, both for Guitar Hero/Rockband and Wii Play/Fit.
7: Nintendo actually thinks it's crazy plans through: Be careful before you call something they announce stupid, because chances are it's going to outsell all your favorite franchises/consoles. Even if it does look really, really stupid.
8: Graphics aren't the end all, be all of game technology.
9: You can make some decent bank selling digitally distributed games.
10: Hardcore isn't core anymore. The business model has left us behind, and we're going to be relegated to the role of cine-philes, watching our bizarre indy releases while mocking all the trashy mainstream plop that gets pushed out by big studios.

Wii has more 20 million sellers than PS3 has 5 million sellers.

Acolyte of Disruption