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Their list is great. It really shows what a lot of gamers think to be the greatest themes. As for myself, there's only the Secret of Mana theme that would make the list of my favorite songs. I admit that Chrono Trigger should have a song though. That game and Secret of Mana have the best soundtracks ever.

@those that said that they are Nintendo fanboys... To be honest, most of their themes the pre-Playstation era so it's hard to call them fanboys...

It's a bit sad because soundtracks used to be much better. In modern games, few have a very good soundtrack. The only that comes to my mind are Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros Brawl (however, most songs are remixes of classics...), FFX, Lost Odyssey and the Phoenix Wright games.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...