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akuma587 said:
Anyone who acts like many super-rich people in this country are all more qualified seriously needs to wake up. Most of the really talented people are in the top 2-10%, not the top 1%.

As Chris Rock so aptly said it (loosely quoted), "A white C student in America can become president (Bush), while a black C student can't even become the manager of Burger King."

That is a really stupid quote. Bush was not a c student, he was a deans list student at Yale. Also, I wonder if mr. rock realizes that it is much easier for a minority student to recieve scholorships or get excepted into high level schools than a non- minority student. A huge part of our problem in America right now is unqualified people being put into positions to help fulfill quotas. For instance I was talking with an Army recruiter recently who was turning down qualified white males down because he already had more than his "quota", at the same time he was trying to push people in on different waivers (drug, hs diploma, weight, pt) just to meet his minority quotas.

I however do believe that some of these "quotas" are needed. There are people who are racist, and without these protections some minorities would get screwed. Basically I believe they have taken the whole thing too far, but it is a good idea.


psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.