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wow mafoo didn't you say this
"it just means that the taxes you must pay are to service the country for your good."
Umm, yeah rich people pay more taxes and those taxes go to roads and schools and stuff.
Obama isn't going to redistribute money to people. But he has to agree with that because otherwise he would be saying he doesn't support welfare.
That taxes is going to other things that this country needs very badly, and he outlined what those purchases would be.
weren't you listening?

EDIT: what the rich people don't realize, and maybe you don't either, is that other people having money benefits you. It benefits you not being robbed at gunpoint, it benefits you by giving a proper education to people so they can do their jobs better, it benefits you by keeping kids off the streets. it benefits you by keeping stress levels low to avoid accidents through rushing. There are so many benefits that people either like you, or people that disagree with a tax increase for the rich, simply do not want to look into because you don't want to be wrong.