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Now this will have some seriously opinionated responses... My own experience has been something like this:

Zelda: Twilight Princess (only ones I haven't played are the Oracle ones)
Mario: Super Mario Galaxy (pretty much every non-handheld Mario under my belt)
Metroid: Metroid Prime 3 (only ever seriously played Super Metroid, the GBA ones, and MP3)
Star Fox: Since I only ever played the original, I guess that one...
Pokemon: Again, only played the original, so...
F-Zero: I haven't played any of them, so I can't say.
Fire Emblem: None of 'em; don't like Fire Emblem, for some reason...
Pikmin: Still need to play one of those.
Donkey Kong: I think I played the original all of 3 times, so...
Kirby: Kirby Super Star Ultra (to be fair, I think I've played all of 3 Kirby games at most, one of them being a Puzzle Bobble knock-off, Ghost Trap or somesuch)
Wario Land: Never played the series.

For the most part, the latest iterations are the ones I like best. Probably because they are almost always dramatic improvements on the originals in every way.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.