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Attention fellow VGChartz filmaholics:


They have:




Naked Lunch,

Lost Highway,


Hercules in New York (Arnold's first film, when his accent was so bad they dubbed all his lines),

Eddie Murphy Raw,

Death Wish,

The Fifth Element,

Raising Arizona,

Casino Royale (1967),

and a whole bunch of other stuff.


192 full films for free.

They just throw some ads in like they do with the TV shows, but it's only one 15 second commercial at a time.


I'm gonna be playing catchup on this web site for a while now.

They've got all 3 Karate Kid movies!


I think I'm just gonna try to watch 2 or 3 of these per weekend.  Anybody have any good recommendations from this list?  I hope more studios jump on this train.