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No. I think I've only done it a few times before. I think I got Street Fighter 2: Turbo for the SNES right when it came out, possibly the first day. I also got very excited for Mario Kart DS so I actually pre-ordered that and I think I also bought True Crime: Streets of LA for the GC since I was interested a GTA clone on a Nintendo system.

Generally though now, I won't buy a game first day. I like to see plenty of reviews and even fan reviews, Games are too expensive to buy just on hype alone.

Oh I also bought Super Mario Galaxy first day because I was sure it would be a great game and I think there were already reviews online saying it was excellent. And I bought it at Toys R Us which had a great promotion going on if you bought the game. They were giving out a $25 gift card along with SMG so that was a steal.

I'll come up with something better eventually...