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Imo, the AAA games are/soon will be Uncharted, Rachet and Clank future, MGS4, Disgaea 3, Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Burnout Paradise, CoD4, Bioshock, Resistance 1 and 2, GT5 will be, Little Big Planet, Valkeryia Chronicles.

PS3 has a good library, better than the Wii's. However, the fact that roughly 80% of its good games (not necessarily AAA games- good games like GTA4, DMC4, SC4 ect) are multiplat with 360 hurts it libraries power, thus making it have the weakest library.

If you are only getting 1 console though and also have a PSP/are a sony fan/have an HDTV and really want BD, PS3 is the way to go. Though imo BD is too expenive right now. I would never pay $35 for any movie except The Dark Knight.