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Riachu said:
Japan is looking forward to 360 games yet the 360 hasn't even sold a million systems yet. These Japanese gamers better actually but a 360 if that are looking forward to The Last Remnant or Star Ocean The Last Hope

But you forget that Japanese gamers have only cared about the X360 for a few certain times since it's launched.

Everyone mocks how the X360 has done post-ToV, but they all (or nearly all) forget how the Xbox 360 sold before Tales of Vesperia, and the E3 stuff Microsoft put up.

Let's re-cap from June through early October sales since 06:

2006: 25,477

2007: 47,859

2008: 134,479

Do you see the difference there?

The hard fact is that gamers NEVER once cared about the Xbox 360 in 2006 or 2007 through the mid part of the year. Even with Eternal Sonata in '07, there was a massive increase in sales (also thanks to continued sales from Blue Dragon and other games), but it couldn't hold a candle to the increase that we've seen since the E3 announcement. Xbox 360 sales are nothing to write home about still, but they ARE much better.

Since June, we've pretty much seen a virtual re-launch of the X360 with consumer interest. Very few consoles or handhelds have ever mounted this kind of notable turnaround 2 years into their life. Only the PSP and DS have seen anything like this - both due to major hardware revisions.

The Last Remnant being #1  is interesting. I think the game will become the #1 seller for the X360, and help the X360 beat it's best year (2007) by a massive margin. It may even lead the X360 (and dare I say theres a great chance), for it to become Microsofts best year in Japan - even including 2002 when the Xbox launched and sold most of it's hardware in the first week it was out.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.