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Onyxmeth said:
konnichiwa said:
Menago KF said:
Man, threads like these really show just how big whining babies people can be. Especially you Xen. What's it to you, or any other ps3 owner for that matter, if MGS4 goes multi? It'll only result in the game having higher sales.

I'm confident that the xbox360 has more than enough horsepower to run the game, who cares on how many discs? Seriously, you guys are grabbing on to any half-assed details that you normally wouldn't even think of.

I don't think that xbox owners would ever bitch about such trivial matters as current Sony loyalists.


 Serious are you blind or did you you missed all this kind of post the last days ' Ps3 loses another exclusive I want so see their tears'?  it is annoying me as hell.

I'm not trying to condone those actions, but that kind of stuff is only brought about because of how whiny certain people get when a PS3 game gets ported to 360. If nobody reacted like children about the rumor and ports, then no fanboys on the other side would anticipate tears and meltdowns from them. This all goes back to how poorly some PS3 owners took the FF XIII news and then the Tekken 6 rumors and then the announcement. It goes on today with how poorly a lot of those same people are taking this rumor. The 360 fans are babies for feeding the fire and laughing, but it isn't them starting the fire, it's the whiners.



The first thread that was created after the FFXIII on X360 announcement:

I don't see any PS3 owner whine about it evenDMeisterJ didn't whine

'What the fuck!!??!?!?!?

I shit my pants when I saw lightning!!

But I see enough reactions on the first page that just were made to make the PS3 owners furious and then the 'whining' started.