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1.Games ,after burning myself last generation with the Xbox and Cube (that had great games but missed many games too) I decided to bet on the machine that would get it all .And so far ,so good ....maybe some former arent  exclusive anymore but I am not missing nor will miss any game I want .The PS3 lineup is right now brilliant ...Bioshock ,Wipeout HD ,Little Big Planet ,Warhawk ,Socom Confrontation ,Devil May Cry 4,Metal Gear Solid 4,Buzz ,Singstar ,Race Driver GRID ,Siren Blood Curse ,Dead Space ,Eternal Sonata ,Valkyrie of the Battlefield ,Disgaea 3 ,Uncharted ,Ratchet and Clank ,Resistence ,Gran Turismo 5 Prologue ,GTA IV ,Saints Rows 2 ,Condemned 2 ,Unreal 3 ,Call of Duty 4 ,Burnout Paradise ,Everybodys Golf ,Madden ,Tiger Woods ,NBA 2K ,NHL 09 ,Heavenly Sword ,The Orange Box, Ninja Gaiden Sigma ,Oblivion ,Fallout 3 ,Far Cry 2 ,Colin Mc Rae DIRT ,Assasins Creed ,GRAW 2 ,Rainbow Six Vegas,Eye of Judgement ,Folklore ,Civilization Revolution ,all the PSN games ....its has games for everybody really and already a top notch lineup .

2.Blu Ray .I have a 1080p 42 inches TV ...time to start feeding it some real HD content .

3.Wifi .I have the living room very far apart from my computer and router was no question of putting a wire through all the house .

4.PS2 games .I didnt own a PS2 so I was missing some classics that were dirty cheap ...I now have some 12 Ps2 games between them gems as FFX ,FFXII ,Shadow of the Colossus ,God of War ,Dragon Quest VIII ,Star Ocean 3 ,Devil May Cry 3,Metal Gear 2 Sons of Liberty ,Metal Gear 3 Snake Eater ...etc .

5.My girlfriend wanted one ...for Buzz and Singstar mainly .

6.Free online .I wont ever pay for playing online ...its a question of principles.MS may have all the plans they want about making everybody pass through the cash registrer because their precious Live but if the PSN could provede a competitive online gaming for free I knew I would support that 100%.And so far it has more than delivered .