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CAL4M1TY said:
Staude said:
btw to anyone saying it would be cheap, they would have to completely redesign/rearrange the way the engine is built since it's made to take advantage of the ps3's design. It would be very expensive.


If that were the case, PS3 would never be the lead platform for ANY multiplatform game.

Clearly games that run perfectly on both platforms and have PS3 as the lead platform (DMC4 and Burnout Paradise are two big examples) shows that it must not be overly expensive to port from PS3 to 360.

If you say that those games don't take maximum use of the PS3's design, then you're basically admitting that MGS4 is the roof of the PS3's capabilities, which is a lie, considering that (and most PS3 fans will agree this game graphically looks awesome) that Killzone 2 clearly surpasses MGS4 from a technical standpoint.

Notice how when you copy other peoples ideas without fully understanding what they meant by those comments, you make an ass out of yourself?


Not if you are building both games at the same time. Sacrifices are made on both ends to achieve a desirable result. Obviously you haven't gotten a faint idea of how games design work. Well i do frankly and if anyone is making an ass out of themself it's you.

Basically you are saying that because ps3 is made lead developer for multiplat games that this shouldn't be hard to port ?

or that it would either have to top out the ps3 hardware (which you then say it isn't) or be easy.

Well .. frankly.. we don't live in wonderland where you can say alakazam and pow ! you have a game that works on every console from ps3 to snes.

Basically it doesn't have to max out the ps3's capabilities to be hard to port. I didn't say it was impossible, but hard, because a lot of code would have to be rewritten since mgs4 does use spes and does function around the ps3 architecture which is entirely different than the 360s. Basically since it was designed to run on the cell, it would have to be redesigned to run equally (or at all depending on the code) on the 360.

Multiplatform games are different because they are designed from the get go to run on both machines, furthermore most multiplayform games are designed mostly on a pc. Where exclusive games are tailered to 1 specific layout multiplatform games in general are created with multiple architectural designs in mind. A game like mgs would have to be up because a lot of things are needed in each act, and then the data would have to be placed on each dvd, along with the episode, along with all kind of other things that makes the game work.


The game was created entirely for this one thing. Making it do something else Would indeed.. be difficult, not impossible, expencive though. If anything in my post is gibberish it's not a lack of understanding but rather a .. lack of need to explain to you any further. Take it as you will, but don't insult me.

One more thing. You can never say this or that has actually "topped" out some hardware, because there will always be someone who can optmize something just a little further or rearrange it to read faster hence allowing for more to be read within the same period etc. There will be games that "top the hardware" in the sense that they are using it about as optimally as possible, to their understanding. But that's not to say there wont be a game later that can do it just a little bit better.

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