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jman8 said:
It's called hyperbole. In other words, the author of the article INTENTIONALLY stretched the truth in order to make a point, which was that the Sega CD didn't have a whole heck of a lot of good software support. That's what tarnished Sega's name and helped eventually lead to its downfall. If every article was written with the dry simple truth that fanboys seem to demand, then all articles would be the equivalent to not playing your tiny Sega CD collection (i.e. incredibly boring).

I don't know what you're talking about here as Sega CD got good 3rd pary support. Much much better than 3do, jaguar or any of the other non 16 bit systems at that time.

And as you can see above, there were plenty of fan favourite quality titles from Sega such as Ecco the dolphin, Shinig force, sonic cd, Dark Wizard and Eternal champions.

Go through that list and then tell me where the "lack of good software support" comment comes from?

The IGN article did not strech the truth...its is simply wrong in its thesis.

32X tarnished Segas hardware reputation, sega CD did not.