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I have to give the debate to the big O, he was the better composed of the two canidates and I would gladly vote for him

I agree with his education plan, unlike most of you here I live with a teacher and have seen both the front lines and behind in the generals tent….it is a tragic system that pt to much on the teacher with out giver them money for it, this is a fact No Child Left behind is the biggest unfunded government mandate in history…this year alone to be able to teach my wife had to spend close to 500 out of our own pocket to get supplies for her class room and she only teaches 11 special needs students….tell me how that is right?

It is true that throwing money on the problem wont be the super fix there are multiple parts to fixing the problem getting funds into the teachers hands is just one of them

To the home schooled student, congrats on your achievements they are something to be very proud of. However you had something the majority of student in the country don’t, caring parents that were willing to work with you and bring your education to the fore front of importance

Mac Man liked to point out that the schools that get the most government money are not always the best in score….perhaps he has never heard of the term title 9? In the state of Indiana a title nine school gets the most money from the government for a reason, it is because over half of the student population is poor or impoverished…they come from a family unit more concerned with getting the next meal then getting a c on a report. My wife and the students she teach don’t care if they come to school or not and when the parents are not pushing the child to get an education what is going to keep the kid active in school?

Better and more responsible parental views on education is the other part of the solution

However since we cant get parents to grow up and take accountability for the education system they have help build the one solution left is try to fund the teachers and schools better so they can at least try to pick up the pieces