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GTAIV08 said:
fastyxx said:
starcraft said:
darthdevidem01 said:
I agree with your comments

360 only outsold PS3 25K this week WW

Two months ago you would never have thought those words would come out of your mouth.


Exactly.  The idea that 360 beat PS3 again worldwide is amazing considering what we all thought was coming after MGS4 momentum.  Even more amazing is that it's another week where the 360 beat PS3 worldwide AND in every region again.  The margins are getting smaller, for sure, compared to the past couple weeks, but who would have ever thought that we'd be discussing the fact that 360's lead in every region was slimming down.  

I mean, did anyone but the biggest 360 fanboy really think this would be happening right now?  MS deserves plenty of credit for this.  I amvery interested to see if NPD's back the numbers up tomorrow.


its also amazing that i can get a 360 for half the price of a ps3.


I'm not one to play forum nazi but there is an edit button where where you can edit your post and not have to submit a new one three times....

And it's always somewhat funny when PS3-supporters always bring up this argument now in sales threads.  The Pro is still the main selling SKU for the 360.  Yes the Arcade has increased it's percentage somewhat but most people still go for the $299 unit compared to the others.  Last I checked that wasn't "half the price" just yet.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection