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I'm a musician...and I have been for nigh on 14 years now (Saxophone, Trumpet, and a few other things). Until I saw those two videos I had absolutely no interest in this game but now...the IGN video shows how you can have lots of fun just screwing around (is his sense of rhythm honestly THAT BAD though?), and the other video was very intriguing, being able to actually change the rhythm and articulation of the song that you are playing. If only you could change the actual pitch though...that would be mind blowing.

I am definitely more interested in this game than I was 15 minutes ago. I'm not necessarily excited by it; intrigued is probably the better word. This might end up to be a very entertaining party-type game (sorta like wii sports, except better). I don't think I'd spend much time if any at all playing by myself though.

Also, it looks like a lot of the Sony fans here aren't even giving this game a chance at all.  Would they think the same way if this game was being released on their platform instead?