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Wow. You know sometimes with these editors and their bad reviews, it's hard to decide how much is the game's fault and how much is their utter bitterness at life. Sometimes it's like a fence they stand on, teetering over either side for a moment before returning in the other direction. This though? This is a full on sprint, screaming like a mad man all the way through bittersville. Take the most poetic excerpt:

Lambda players will probably enjoy it. But, us? Well, we still cannot swallow it, this mucky heresy. Sure, I could destroy it, dip it into a vat of hatred just to clean the insult. But it wouldn't make it better. It wouldn't bring Black Isle back. So if you don't mind, I'm going to stop here and have a drink at the café of broken dreams.

Quite beautiful that is. I find it hard imagining him even being able to write this while simultaneously curled up like a ball in the corner, crying the saltiest of bitter tears while banging the side of his head against the wall.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.