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Grey Acumen said:

Actually, I notice a bunch of really glaring holes in the Tetris analogy, but that line of thinking may be a key element into the validity of this article.

This about it; most games have a clear cut set of rules and objective for winning, and in many cases, winning "faster" is considered a better achievement. If a score is achievable in the game, it will usually be clear what events contribute what amounts to the score, and those events will remain consistent through any further ventures through that game.

Now compare that to pleasing a woman; No woman is the same or responds the same way to any technique, her pleasure centers are spread all over the place as opposed to how a guy has the majority of them focused to one area. There are emotional considerations that affect the woman's pleasure as well. On top of that, a guy has to maintain a balance between "enjoying it enough" and not "enjoying it too much" because straying outside of either side can lead him unable to continue properly. As far as "scoring" goes, it is possible for the woman to lie about what she wants, and even change her mind or tastes about what she wants from day to day. Rather than finishing quickly, the goal is to extend the lenght of time as much as possible BUT to still eventually reach the end.

Essentially, a good gamer has to constantly be in a state of "I know what I'm doing" whereas a good lover must constantly be in a state of "what should I be doing?"

Again, this is much like pinball tables. Some of them are just pops and targets for scoring, others will have those, but provide more points for shooting ramps and loops. You may think you're good because you can operate four flippers on one table, but you still need to learn how to use the magnetic flippers on another one. Some tables are really hard to make any progress with, and your ball just drains down the outlane before you even get to touch it.

Some tables don't even have a tilt sensor, and you can slam the table a foot to one side to keep your ball in play if you have to.

I can keep this metaphor going forever. I wish I could find a video of Sopranos pinball, which features a woman suggestively screaming "Super Jackpot!"

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.