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Many of the sources for that game on N4G are EU websites or original content was from an EU site, then a Sony news bulliten, then a major event and finally SOA. Of course you can choose to argue till your blue in the face but another issue just cought my attention.


Have you played the beta yet? The game isn't Mario at all, it's it's own unique game, Mario is a platformer, this game is a level designer with platforming elements, and in some cases there can be levels' with 0 platforming. Of course now in content what your saying is that the PS3 was designed for LBP?

Ok I'll spin whatever you mean't another way; the word "flagship" your saying Mario Galaxy is the flagship game of the Wii(Nintendo)?
My question is have you thought of why Mario Galaxy could even be considered that? Relative to why FF series was never considered a flagship to eithe Nintendo before 1995 or Sony before 2008?

Sony want's the sackboys to be accepted sure, but to say they are accepted already before the game is released is insane. This game would have to be packaged with the PS3 (all versions) otherwise Sony is just talking out the wrong hole. (I'm sure you know what it means when a software is packaged with a console.)

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D