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BengaBenga said:


Yes, LO is turn based. Vesperia is real time (however still in seperate battle screens). I understand your concerns, but the (imo) deepest games (both story and gameplay) are often traditional (S & J)RPG's. But if KOTOR is not your thing, you might not want to take the risk.

As far as story goes, I can already tell you that LO, BD and ToV will destroy Fable 2, cause that's more based on the "gimmicky" choose who you become system (which you can probably tell I don't like).

"Deepest story and gameplay" probably depends on your point of view.  WRPGs aren't meant to be movies, they're meant to allow the player to become a part of the story.  I love to read novels, but I like being able to live out my own fantasy story even more.

What do you mean by "destroy"?  Better sales?  I seriously doubt it.

It's pretty obvious you don't like being able to live out your own fantasy in an RPG, if for no other reason than you refer to the approach as "gimmicky".  You could say the same thing about Oblivion, most MMORPGs, or many of the Sims games, as well.  But millions of people like them, so I don't believe "gimmicky" is correct.  Even SecondLife, which isn't a game, has a very large following.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.