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Oyvoyvoyv said:
illuminatus said:

America: 197.245+77.336+53434 = 328.015
Japan: 21.647+7.124+5.900 = 34.671
Others: 145.459+66.637+66.386 = 278.482

Japan is 5.7 percent of the world market.


Well, for this week and consoles only, it is. If you add handhelds, it ends at 7.2% or something.

For the year 2008 this far.

Americas: 14.428M

Others:  12.272M

Japan:  3.164M

So for the year it is at 10.5% for consoles.

If you include handhelds.

Americas: 23.2M

Others: 25.7M

Japan:  8.4

So then it is 15%.


For handhelds alone it's at over 20%


But the point of my article was where Japan stands right now and not where it stood in the past.

Just go to this site:

and look at the population pyramid. You see that right now and even more in the future a helluva lot Japanese will retire. And that drives down the economy because the economy shrinks and the retirees must be paid by the remaining employees resulting in even lower console sales.