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Are these sales lower than we should expect?

The DSi is comming up, which stops DS sales. We know this effects Japan far more than it will in any other country, as Japanese seem to love new SKUs.

The PsP 3000 is comming up, which slows down PsP sales equally to the DS.

The Wii has barely had any major games since April. As Japan is a country where people buy games early, the lack of recent stellar mass appealing software does slow down hardware a lot.

Of course, X360 has a slight increase.


In addition, comparing YoY is highly flawed. The PsP had just had Crisis Core and MGS released for it. This means that the PsP should almost be taken completely out of the picture. The regular sales of it last year, were about equal to the ones this September, and that's considering the PsP is soon getting a new SKU!

And if you do that, you have a less than 10% decrease in hardware. I'd say this is totally steady considering the sole reason for the drop is the DS, which is saturated, and should see greatly increased sales when DSi releases. (According to the data I've seen, it should be back up to pretty much exactly last years levels).



That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS