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konnichiwa said:
zexen_lowe said:

Snow? SNOW???
OK, it's official, Squeenix is running out of good names. I'd rather have the mistranslated names of Final Fantasy Tactics than these.

Also, I didn't know the full names of the Versus characters had been confirmed. They are Noctis Lucius Cheram and Stella Nox Fulure.


 What about Cloud?

Cloud is a decent name, the full name (Cloud Strife) sound cool. Now that I made a quick mind search, I discovered that actually Square never has been a very good namer, there have been good names (Locke, Celes, Squall, Zell, Auron, Zidane, Vivi, Tidus, Sephiroth, Kuja, Edea, Sabin) and bad ones (Barret, Edgar, Strago, Amarant, Wakka, Seymour, Ultimecia, Rikku, Lulu). How come that Konami has to put more than 108 in every Suikoden and they come up with much better and original names (Lyon, Gizel, Seed, Solon Jhee, Jowy, Miakis, etc) is an interesting question