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I have been wanting a new gaming pc for quite a while now and this one has just come into best buy this week. Everything looks good to me except for 2 things I dont know a whole lot about. I have always been an nvidia video card man myself so I know nothing about ATI so is that video card that comes with it a good video card. Also the 2nd concern is that its only 2 mb of cache... dont know if thats good enough or not. I think I might get the day after thanksgiving and I can probably save 100-200 off the tower and Iam also probably going to get the 22" hp lcd at the same time.


My PSN Name is:  EvilChronos    add me if u want :)


PS3=130M     360=90M     Wii=120M     DS=130M     PSP=70M

Other Prediction: The PS3 will overtake the 360 XMAS of 09  "9-21-08"