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NES : ZELDA (reason I play games), Mario/DH, Rob game

SNES : Zelda, Mario world, SFII
Genesis: SONIC I II III, Virtua Racing
GB: Tetris, Mario Land

PS1: Rayman
N64: Mario 64

PS2: Dynasty Warriors II, Madden, F1
GC: Luigi
GBA: can't recall....
DC: (about 15 games at $5 a pop.... after the console was declared dead)

PSP:Samurai Warriors, DBZ shin, Daxter, SSX, Wipeout, Pursuit force
Wii: RRR, folowed by a bunch 1 month later (christmass)
X360: Halo 3, PGR 4, GTA4
DS: New Mario, Zelda, Brain age 2, Ace atorney

if ever PS3... MSG4, FFversus and GoW3 on the list so far