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theRepublic said:
konnichiwa said:
theRepublic said:


GDP and unemployment rates are better indicators of economic health than just looking at stock markets.


TOKYO, Sept. 12 -- Japan's Gross Domestic Product (GDP)registered an annualized 3.0 percent decrease in real terms in the April-June quarter, down from a 2.4 percent fall in the preliminary report, the Cabinet office said Friday.

In nominal terms, the Japanese economy went down 0.8 percent from the previous quarter, or 3.3 percent on an annualized basis, in the second quarter of 2008, the government body said.

GDP is the total market value of the goods and services produced domestically during a specific period of time. Real GDP figures are adjusted for changes in the value of money or assessed by purchasing power.

Exactly my point. These are the numbers we should be looking at, not the NIkkei. From these numbers we can see that Japan is indeed in a recession/depression and has been since April.

I'm sure if we look at the GDP further back, it will show that Japan was not in a depression for the last 20 years like Ajax said.


After 40 years of economic expansion and the "bubble" of the 80´s, the 90´s were hard times for Japan. Since 2003, japanese economy has been pretty healthy, with GDP increases between 2% and 3% annually. That period of expansion has ended with the recent global crisis. At least, it seems that there is no mayor jp companies affected by the US credit crunch.

(Unemployment in Japan is at 4,2% at the moment)