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NJ5 said:
Jordahn said:
NJ5 said:
As a worst case, let's say each act was put in a separate DVD... Wouldn't that still be better than waiting for a lengthy per-act installation?

Uncompressed audio should be one of the first few things to go, as the vast majority of people don't have the ears or the TV hardware to notice it.


HAHAHAHA!!!  There are a lot of things people don't have to allow them to take advantage of the niceties of life such as uncompressed audio, but that never stop the promotion of it.  With your logic, everyone should just stop making progression in technology since the majority can never initially take advantage of it.  Also about the act per DVD, you have also to consider the manufacturers/developers.  "Too many" DVD's can end up costly in manufacturing cost, shipping weight, and physical storage space..

There are very few people who can tell the difference between uncompressed and well compressed audio even with high-end audio hardware... Look for double-blind tests in audio related forums and you'll see what I mean. There's also the possibility of using lossless compression, which results in no loss of quality at all (as the name says) while cutting audio file size in half.

Technology progression is cool, but some things just aren't worth it. Using uncompressed audio was probably not a problem for the PS3 version since they probably had space to spare. I'd imagine that uncompressed audio would have been one of the first few things Konami would have eliminated had they really been space-constrained. Since they didn't do this, I'm inclined to believe the reports that this game takes about 30 GB on the BR disc.

Your last point is a good one, but that didn't stop some games from using a lot of discs. That has happened in previous generations as well as this one.


You are generalizing too much for the sake of justification.  I for one can tell the difference, and worth it or not is another discussion in of itself.  Just because it isn't worth it to you doesn't give the you right to deem it as fact for all.  And I agree multiple discs were used in the past and now, but how often have you heard of a console game coming in 5 DVD's (one for each act in MGS4?)  That will also take some special packaging that will add to the manufacturing and shipping costs. Now, I never said it was impossible.  It's not as easy as some would like to fantizise.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.