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Ontopic: I love 'em the screens look great.

Offtopic: The Flamers and Trolls talking about ratchet, and Kber81 was the winner of my contest (shame Kber!!!!!!!). Just made me see the error of my ways. I have owned all three systems (broken 360 traded in before warranty extension) and I realize that I spent $1200 just on hardware, and all I needed was a Wii. I have bought and traded in 8 PS3 games, that just weren't worth $60 on a $500-600 console. They're not worth it.

HD Gaming isn't worth it, the games and systems are over priced when you compare value to price, not manufacturer cost (losing $150 per console just proves that Sony and MS are STUPID). I ripped myself off by buying a PS3. I gave my money to Sony for a BR Player, that I didn't really want. Would the feelings that I got from MGS1 or FFVII be worth that amount of money? No.

Kber you know my situation, it's not that I'm cheap. I appreciate value. I should have known better than to buy both of those rip off consoles. Ratchet is not worth $560, Haze - nope, UT3 - nadda, Heavenly Sword - Ditto. No wonder I can't enjoy any PS3 games, I feel like I was mugged.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.