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bigjon said:
whatever said:
bigjon said:
akuma587 said:
bigjon said:
I can't wait until they do Obama and we get to find out the truth about Rezco, Aires, White, Acorn and all that, boy would I like all of that to be cleared up.

You know how bad it sounds when you mispell Rezko and Ayres?  You sure as hell don't come off as informed about those issues.



 I am not informed about the issue of Ayres and Rezco, I did not feel like looking up how to spell their names. I was guessing on the spelling. I guess if all you can do is attack my spelling you are admitting I have a point. And my point is not that the Rev White, Ayres and what not is true, I am not sure if Obama really knew. But it would be nice if someone did an indepth look at it.

And whoever pulled that anti Foxnews bs mantra... stfu. The only difference between them and the other networks is they attempt to show both side of each canidate. So far I have only seen the Messiah angle taken by CNN, NBC, CBS, and whatnot on BHO. Did you see the Gibson interview of Obama recently? Now compare it with the questions he asked palin....

And Hannity and Limbaugh did the same thing with Palin.  I love this "liberal" media stuff.  Its really entertaining to see people fall for this.  Do individual journalists have biases?  Of course, Gibson is one of them.  But Fox takes it to a whole new level where its mandated from up top.  I would say MSNBC is the only network that comes close to doing this on the liberal side.  Yet they are still tempered by the fact that they are owned by NBC (as evidenced by them pulling Olbermann and Matthews from there election coverage).

The fact that anyone could think that Fox presents a balanced view is scary and shocking.  I think CNN is clearly the best at balancing its coverage.


Hannity and Limbaugh do not claim to be Journalist.... They are commentators. That is why people like Oberman do not bother me as much even though they are more extreme. It is the Obamamania under the guise of Journalism that pisses me off. O'Reilly is the same, he does not claim to be a Journalist. The "journalist types" at Foxnews do not seem biased to me. Namely Shepard smith and Greta (even though she is Fugly).

I like CNN alot because I feel Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper are pretty good. I get the sense they prefer Obama, but it does not interfere with their reporting. I put CNN in that list because some of their other anchors do bother me.


The line between journalist and commentator has been blurred so much that they are indistinguishable.  Hannity and Orielly routinely refer to themselves as journalists.  An interview with them will have just as much impact as an interview with Gibson.  So I don't think the separation is valid in today's news media.

And watching Brit Hume during both the DNC and RNC, the difference was easy to see.  Even his tone was different.  During the DNC everything was "corny", especially when the candidates kids and grandkids showed up on stage.  During the RNC, it was "refreshing" to see the candidates families as it showed they are "real" people.

I never see any attempt by anyone on Fox to be balanced.