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what i mean is that the OP is really asking this:
"How much space does MGS4 really take on the BRD,....... and would the size be hinder a possible 360 port?"
the part after the dots was for what he is really thinking.
With a front page article about mgs4 on 360, and i think 4 threads in the "Hot news" section of the main page, this kind of thread was bound to show up.

It seems to be someone who is in the middle of an argument with another and is trying to see exactly how much would need to change. Thereby he can reason that it is not a big difference and then justify a stronger possibility for the port to happen.

but this is ridiculous because it won't happen. Not because of the size, but because of the deal konami and sony had. Maybe, maybe a port 2 years from now, but no earlier.

Most of the data is high quality sound, which can be replaced.