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Well as for comparing systems, and not their actual implementation, I actually prefer the trophy system since it puts a heavier emphasis on how many pointless e-penis goals you complete, as opposed to their artificial arbitrary value that Gamerscore has a heavier emphasis on.

This whole “I’m Level 8,” or I’m “I’ve got 15,000G,” really doesn’t mean much to me since every developer decides their own values for both achievements/trophies and you can theoretically get to those milestones a dozen different ways. Because of that I think it’s more fun to see how many trophies or achievements people earn instead of what they’re supposedly worth.

Even as far as the arbitrary values go, I prefer the simple bronze, silver, gold scale set of values on trophies over gamerscore point values. Both are open to rank abuse though, so that’s kind of a wash for me.

As already pointed out, Gamerscore is in every 360 game, more visible, and more accessible. It started this cross-game score whoring trend, so I’d be surprised otherwise.