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Which game (or games) did you buy when you got each of your consoles? Feel free to go back as far in the history of game consoles as you'd like. I have a feeling that we'll be seeing a lot of bundled games and launch window games in this thread but there could be some interesting deviations from this probable pattern that will reveal the games that motivated people to pick up a given console after launch. This could be especially applicable when it comes to the systems of the last few generations that often didn't include bundled games.

Here's my history:

NES: Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt

Game Boy (original): Tetris

SNES: Super Mario World

N64: Super Mario 64

Gamecube: Metroid Prime & Super Smash Bros. Melee

GBA: The Legend of Zelda (NES Classics)

DS: Mario Kart DS

PS2: Guitar Hero

Wii: Wii Sports (of course), Zelda: Twilight Princess, and Excite Truck

PS3: Plan to buy LittleBigPlanet, Rock Band 2, and Guitar Hero: World Tour (No game purchased w/console but I downloaded Super Stardust HD & bought some Blu-ray movies)