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Ender said:
prlatino86 said:
Theres a reason for uncompressed audio, mainly for audiophiles as myself, the sound quality is so much higher. Hence why I love Blu Ray over DVDs. DVDs have to compress a lot of audio, and when i compare between the same movie on DVD and Blu Ray, the difference is impressive.

But yes, uncompressed audio, im VERY much a fan of, haha.


If you were a true audiphile you'd know this isn't true.  Depending on the format and level of compression it can pysically  impossible for you to hear a difference.  I highly doubt could tell the difference in a double blind test.

Especially for movie/videogame audio.  I can tell the difference between some lossy formats and lossless with music fairly easily....but with sound effect type stuff?  Much harder. (for me at least)