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SlumsofOhio said:
You have to play MGS3 to understand MGS4. 360 owners will be confused unless MGS3 came to 360 somehow. Right?

You do realise that people do change console companies between generations right? Does that mean every single person who owned a PS2 owned a PS1? would that not mean that every generation should see the same number of hardware sold for each company?

That's basically what you're saying right?, because everyone that owns a 360 must have owned (and owned only) an Xbox last generation, therefore they would be unable to play MGS3.

But then at the same time, would that not mean MGS3 (and therefore MGS 1 and 2) would need to appear on the PS3, so that does who have only owned a PS3 out of the Sony playstation range wouldn't be confused?

Notice how your delusions of PS3 have made you sound foolish to the world wide web?


So next generation, if the Sony PS4 is a hunk of junk and has no good games on it, I'll just go ahead and assume you'll only buy that and nothing else, because clearly everyone who owns a PS4 must have in turn bought a PS3 to begin with.


DOATS1 said:
does it matter if it goes to the 360? i mean, the exclusive status has done it's job. 360 sales aren't going to soar for a game that is a year old.

That's pretty much the reason I don't get why the Sony fans are so edgy about this. MGS4 made as big of an impact as it's going to make this generation, so at this point it's just selfishness that drives them to continue to want to deny the 360 owners a AAA title.