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faquinteros said:

1. Which game would my mainly tetris and dr. mario and zack and wiki playing wife be more likely to also play?

2. Which game has the best replay value.

Neither one is particularly puzzle heavy. A lot of the hidden treasure in Wario Land does require a degree strategy and plotting to acquire, but I found actually performing what you've been planning is usually the challenge, not figuring it out. De Blob has bits that require thinking as well, but it's a lot less rigid in what will work.

I’d say Wario Land has more replay value, but that’s if you actually want to replay every level several times to find every hidden treasure, and finish every achievement-like unispiring goal such as beat the level without killing any enemies, or don’t fall in the water. I liked finding the treasure, but I got sick of the missions at 48% and just sent it back to GameFly. De Blobs secondary goals are consistent and more natural, and generally revolve on how much of any level did you finish completely. Each of the ten levels in De Blob also has two secondary linear missions, most of which are pretty cool.

Wario Land is definitely harder than the De Blob, but honestly I found it to be one of the turns off. It’s probably because I’m just getting less and less patient for those kinds of games, but It’s annoying to feel constantly punished for not being able to predict the future. If you want that kind of punishing hard as nails game, then Wario Land would be a better pick. De Blob has challenging moments, but in general most of the game is fairly forgiving, and you’re encouraged to just make a mess as much as you are to fight a revolution, so personally I had a lot more fun with it.