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Andrew said: I don't think that the wii will be able to beat the PS3 in the long run. The PS3 if lucky will have just enough developers to show the casual fans that the motion sensing controls on the PS3 are better and that the pointer is useless.
You mean the tilt sensitive controls on the PS3, that no game will likely ever use BECAUSE you cannot build a game around it, is better than the Wiis COMPLETE motion sensing controller? Ya your right, PS3s controller is definatly going to revolutionize gaming. And the pointer is in no way useless, in fact its great, especially for any kind of aiming, you cant beat it. Do that by tilting your PS3 controller that might as well be a PS2 or 1 controller.
kber81 said: Not on Wii. Platform is poor but not as poor as the graphics devs provide on it. I think it's important to be aware this generation will be the longest reigning ever. Costs are extremely high, games have few million budget. I don't think Microsoft or Sony will hit with new hardware before 2015. This battle may last even more than 10 years. Xbox360 and PS3 have a lot of power in reserves (especially PS3), Wii is poor right now, so I think it will not win in long term because there is nothing more than innovation control system. It will not be "new" for all these years. Nintendo wants non-gamers but 5 year period is enough to make them gamers. After year or two of playing in this silly world they will want something more complex. That's the way it works. I've started with Giana Sisters and Commando. PS2 will not be dethroned.
Wow… where do I begin. "There is nothing more than innovation control system." As opposed to the PS3 being… "nothing more than a slightly advanced version of the PS2." Innovation and gameplay is everything, graphics get a very small piece of the pie. You say it "will not be 'new' for all these years." But the PS3 and xbox360, which are doing what consoles have done since the beginning (ussing basic button based controllers) will always be "new?" think about what you are saying. Nintendo has done something never really done before, its new, everything else is old. "after year or two of playing in this silly world they will want something more complex." Something more complex? We are talking about a controller sensitive to all movement? How is that less complex than a controller following the same standard of every controller for every previous console ever? WAIT! Let me guess, the PS3 controller is sensitive to tilt, so its complex and elite sauce? Don’t call us N-fanboys and overlook this guy who isnt making any sense. All he does is attack nintendo without mentioning what sony or microsoft do that is better than that. Graphics don’t make or sell games, gameplay does. POST EDITED BY MOD

A delayed game is good someday, a bad game is bad forever.