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hehe..I have the same exact problem. I'm currently in the process trading in games I no longer play or have any interest in. Why keep games and you might never play them. I just have a problem when every time I walk in a game store I walk out with about 5 or 6 used games that were cheap. I just can not walk past a deal on some games. But what I have to realize is that "will I finish those 5 or 6 games?". That's what stops me and thats what I'm doing now. I'm cleaning my whole library out, so its just 1 or 2 games I will play per console (PS3, 360, Wii, DS, PSP, PS2, Xbox, Gamecube) once that happens I'm good, and I can play those 1 or 2 games until I beat them.

Keeping one or two games in your inventory per console helps out a lot. So try it. By having 2 games per console. You shouldn't buy two of the same games within the same genre. You should try to buy two different games in two different genres. That would help.