The PS3 had better sell more than the 360 did when it came out. Sony's MAIN asset is the Playstation brand name - what is helping PS3's fly off the shelves at the moment. If Sony had released the PS360 a year ago - and Microsoft was just now releasing the "Xbox3" - it would already be game over. The PS3 won't be a flop - it already isn't. But whether it can outsell either the 360 globally - or the Wii - remains to be seen. I think you'll see a *very* modest rise in PS3 sales over March (US). Without the new games, the sales would be dropping - these games are just enough to keep the momentum going. Still nothing even close a "killer" app. I'll be surprised if Motorstorm does more than 250k. GOWII might do 500k-800k.
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