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"I'm calling it now... Kojima's next major project will be multiplatform."

I don't think that Kojima would want to begin to make a game that would be inferior to MGS4 which would be the case if they decided to make his next game multiplatform at launch due to the the limitations that would be brought to the game by the 360's hardware. The 360 is just not designed to be a masterful system for the development of long cinematic games. That is why a game like Gears of War can look good and be a great shooter but at the end of the day, it just doesn't have the length or diversity of play mechanics that you find in a game like Uncharted. Is that also why as some point out GTA IV is limited in some ways in comparison to other GTA games in the amount of things that you have available to do in the game? If GTA IV had been developed exclusively for the PS3, then there is the potential to do many more things of these things that some say you could do in San Andreas but not in IV as there is so much more space available on a blu-ray disc than there is on the 360's dvd 9s.


     So, Kojima would have only a couple of choices if he was to make his next project multiplatform from the start. He could do so and begin development of the game on the 360, yet have to make a game lacking in gameplay depth in comparison to MGS4 much as GTA IV is limited in options to past GTA games and as Gears of War is limited in the amount of things that you can do in the game in comparison to Uncharted and not have the game be as attractive as MGS4 since it probably wouldn't be developed in such a way as to take advantage of all of the strengths of blu-ray and the PS3. Or he could do much as Square is doing with FFXIII. He could make the game with all of the PS3 and blu-ray formats strengths in mind and keep it PS3 only in Japan to ensure that it has a timely release in at least one region, then port it down to an inferior version for the 360 in the West. Or he could do as with MGS IV make the game for the PS3 exclusively at the beginning release the game in all regions, then after its excitement has died down, release the inferior 360 version to the West however such a release for the 360 multiplatform version of his next game would put it close to three years in the future which would surely be quite a time after the Microsoft's next console has been released ontop the market.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.